19 North Main Street, Fountain City, WI

Owners, John Harrington & Lori Ahl have owned the Monarch Public House since May 6, 1995.
People ask: "What's with the dragons?" Well, Ireland has their own history, legends and tales with the winged ones, just like England and China. Growing up, dragons were kept on the bedroom dresser to protect us against any night terrors that may be lurking under the bed or (shudder the closet. Irish dragons (with legs, they're the good guys generally) sleep during the day and grow to their full powers at night...while you're sleeping, thereby guarding you until daylight.
Dragons, like leprechauns, fairies, elves and all manner of mythical, magical folk come from the "other world" which is very close to ours and accessed through caves, wells, tunnels or other deep holes in the ground. That's why in ancient times, ceremonies, weddings, all important meetings were held next to one of these areas. It was a place of power, linked to a "lay", the path to and from. And that is where the phrase "get the lay of the land" comes from!
At The Monarch, we are blessed to host over twenty such good friends and their families providing security and goodwill to all who visit. Any child who believes gets their very own dragon to name and protect as a Guardian. Every September, we sponsor a Dragon Guardian party with free pizza, tee shirts and gifts for all those that take the responsibility seriously.
Nestled in the Mississippi River BLUFFS, The Legendary Monarch Public House in Fountain City has been a destination for travelers since 1894, MAKING IT THE STATES OLDEST CONTINUALLY SERVING ESTABLISHMENT.
Since 1894, The Legendary Monarch Public House has been the center piece of Fountain City for traditional Irish food and fun. The brick building was built by the Odd Fellows, using the second story as their meeting hall. Until the Odd Fellows disbanded in the mid 60’s, the tavern was considered their 'domain'. Even women weren't allowed in the bar until that time.
The Monarch’s elegant Old World look and casual family atmosphere combine to CREATE a memorable experience for all our guests. Preservation Hall Restaurant’s diverse family recipe menu makes it an easy choice for adults and children alike. Our Irish tradition and atmosphere is perfect for gatherings with family and friends.
The historic tavern and restored restaurant still feature the original hand carved oak back bar, ornate pressed tin ceilings and over 125 year old tables and chairs. The display of authentic memorabilia and details of meticulous restoration enhance its turn-of-the-century charm. |
The ornate hand-tooled oak back-bar, along with the tables and chairs, have been part of The Monarch since it opened in 1894. The tavern has never changed names, and has been continuously open throughout it's history.
For almost 90 years, the room now called Preservation Hall housed a grocery and general store. First owned by Knaub and Wunderlicht, later it became Abts Grocery. The interior brick wall separated the bar from the grocery store until 1996, when the 2 halves were connected by removing 2 sections of brick. The kitchen facilities were added at that time.